With the beginning of spring, the question of the permitted times for lawn mowing is present. Due to the high noise level, quiet times have been stipulated by law. Find out here when the operation of the lawnmower is permitted.

General rule

The 32nd Federal Emission Protection Ordinance provides the following generally applicable guidelines for the operation of lawn mowers in Germany.

Generally applicable times Motor lawn mower EU Ecolabel mower hand mower
Monday to Friday 9am-1pm and 3pm-5pm 7am-8pm allowed all the time
on Saturday 9am-1pm and 3pm-5pm 7am-8pm allowed all the time
lunch break 1pm - 3pm none none
on Sunday and public holiday not allowed not allowed allowed all the time

Very quiet electric and cordless lawnmowers are marked with the yellow-blue EU eco-label and are not subject to the noontime regulations. Trimming the lawn with a hand mower is allowed at any time - even on Sundays and public holidays.

Federal states and municipalities issue special regulations

In addition to the regulation presented above, the federal states, cities and municipalities have the right to regional regulations. It is therefore advisable to obtain detailed information before mowing the new lawn for the first time. Disregarding noise protection regulations is not a trivial offense and will be punished with fines of up to 50,000 euros.

Not all areas are affected

The legal regulation as to when lawn mowing is permitted or not essentially affects residential areas. Within commercial and industrial areas, the quiet times do not apply in view of the general noise level.

tips and tricks

With all understanding of the necessity of mowing the lawn, the noise during well-deserved rest times gets on your nerves and, in the worst case, makes you ill. This harassment is unacceptable. With the help of a dedicated noise log, comprehensible evidence can be documented.
