Forsythia or goldilocks are rightly considered to be the harbingers of spring in the garden. The yellow flowers are among the first in the garden year. Forsythia flowers for many years. If there is no flowering, care errors are responsible.

Forsythia blooms in early spring before it has any leaves

The heyday of forsythia

  • Flowering begins in March
  • Flowering period ends in May
  • First flowers appear, then leaves
  • Flowers only grow on older shoots

Forsythia blooms in March. The yellow flowers of the forsythia shine in almost all ornamental gardens. Depending on the weather, the flowering period extends into May.

With forsythia, the flowers appear first. Only when the flowering period is over do the green leaves grow. That is why the shrubs appear so bright yellow.

Countless bell-like flowers form on the forsythia branches. They gave the ornamental shrub the nickname Goldilocks.

Flowers are not fertilized

Forsythia are hybrids that do not form flowers capable of fertilization. They do not provide food for bees, butterflies and other insects.

The shrubs are therefore usually not planted in near-natural gardens.

When the forsythia doesn't bloom

If the forsythia does not bloom, in most cases it is due to the wrong cut.

Flowers only develop on older shoots. If these are removed when pruning in autumn, no flowers can develop.

Forsythia is therefore cut in the spring after flowering. As soon as the flowers turn brown, you should reach for the pruning shears.

Forsythia flowers are sensitive to frost

If the frost returns when the forsythia has already bloomed, the flowers will freeze. Unlike the shrub, they are not hardy.

tips and tricks

Rose lovers know to sharpen the secateurs when the forsythias are in bloom. The blooming of the spring bloomers is just the right time to prune and shape the roses.
