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Ytong is the Xella brand name for steam-hardened aerated concrete and is also commonly used as a synonym for all building materials made of aerated concrete. Due to the light weight of the stones, a single person can erect a wall of Ytong without much effort. Thick layers of mortar are also unnecessary, which is why even inexperienced people can build a structure made of this material.

Ytong is not the best material for a garden wall

Is Ytong suitable for building a garden wall?

Unfortunately only to a very limited extent, because aerated concrete absorbs water because of the numerous air bubbles that make the material so light. The liquid would freeze in winter and expand, causing the stones to crumble.

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However, aerated concrete can be plastered with sealing slurry for outdoor use and sealed in this way. We recommend an additional nano-sealing, which ensures absolute frost resistance.

How is the wall made of aerated concrete built?

If the wall is to remain stable for many years, you should proceed as follows:

  • Build a concrete foundation that is at least fifty centimeters deep across the entire width of the wall.
  • The bricks must not have direct contact with the ground at any point.
  • Create a base of waterproof and frost-resistant concrete blocks.
  • Only the second row of stones may consist of Ytong.
  • Join the aerated concrete elements with cement or two-component glue.
  • Then plastered to make it waterproof.

How is it sealed against penetrating moisture?

Use a trowel to apply the sealing slurry over the entire surface. Use a squeegee to scrape off excess material to create a smooth surface. This procedure closes the pores of the aerated concrete blocks and no more water can penetrate.

If you want to be absolutely sure, nanotechnology is a good choice. Appropriate coatings made of liquid plastic are available from hardware stores. They can be applied with a brush or a conventional paint roller. It is important that you work precisely and apply the material very evenly to all areas.


It is possible to make aerated concrete waterproof, but the process is quite complex and not cheap. Therefore, it makes more sense to build a garden wall from other materials such as bricks, natural stones or wood.

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