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Blood currants are quite easy to propagate. Either cut cuttings or lower a shoot. These forms of propagation give you plants with the same characteristics and flower colors as the mother plant.

Propagation by cuttings

  • Cut cuttings in summer or winter
  • Divide into pieces
  • Place in prepared potting soil
  • Plant out in spring

How to cut cuttings for propagation

Summer cuttings are cut in July or August. Take winter cuttings on a frost-free day in winter. Choose a year-old shoot that is healthy and has plenty of juice.

Cut it off the shrub just below a bud. Divide it into several pieces about ten centimeters long, which you provide with an oblique cut at the bottom and a straight cut at the top. Make sure there is at least one eye on each piece.

The cuttings are put into the potting soil with the lower end so that the eye is covered. Then press down the soil and carefully water the cuttings with the spray of the watering can.

Lower blood currant

Like all berry bushes, you can easily propagate the bloodcurrant by lowering it. To do this, bend a healthy shoot to the ground in late summer.

Fix it with dirt or small stones. Tent pegs or wire loops are also suitable for fastening. Cover the branch with soil. Make sure, however, that the shoot tip remains free. Spray the surface with water.

Small offshoots have formed in the spring, which you can simply separate and plant in the desired location.

Cut or tie shoots

An old gardener's trick recommends scoring the lowered shoot with a razor blade at intervals of about ten centimeters before covering it with soil. Alternatively, you can wrap it with copper wire.

The plant sap accumulates at the scratched or tied area. This stimulates the shoot to root.

tips and tricks

If you propagate your bloodcurrants from cuttings, be careful not to damage the small shoots. Before planting, make a hole in the ground with a thin pin. Then do not injure the cutting when planting.

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