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Blood currants are grateful spring bloomers. They are undemanding in terms of care and do not necessarily have to be pruned. You should only use scissors if the bloodcurrant has grown too big. What to watch out for when cutting.

How are blood currants cut?

  • Cut back immediately after flowering
  • Shorten shoots only slightly
  • Maintenance cut in autumn or spring
  • Removing diseased branches
  • Remove water shooter
  • Never cut into old wood

Prune immediately after flowering

The blood currant develops most flowers on biennial shoots. Cut them off and wait in vain for the flowers to bloom next spring. The shrub should therefore only be pruned very carefully.

If you want to trim shoots, the best time to do so is right after flowering in May. Proceed with care when cutting, because every cut shoot tip means the loss of flowers for the following year.

Carefully shorten the shoot tips

When shortening individual shoots, cut off a maximum of one third of the branch. There should be an outward-facing eye directly below the cutting point so that the blood currant sprout more quickly.

Cut off dry branches directly on the trunk. Be careful not to damage the old wood. Cross-running shoots can be shortened without hesitation. Hardly any flowers develop on them. This gives the plant more air.

In addition to the main shoot of the blood currant, new, thin shoots often grow out of the ground, so-called water shoots. You should remove these. They don't bloom and take unnecessary strength from the plant.

Never prune blood currants radically

A radical pruning would remove all of the next year's bud sites. If your blood currant does not bloom, it may be because you cut off too many shoot tips last year.

If you need to prune the plant because it has grown too large or out of shape, do this work either just before the frosts begin or in early spring.

Keep in mind that a complete pruning of the bush does not make sense to stimulate the blood currant to bloom.

tips and tricks

Blood currants are very suitable for planting in flowering hedges. They are undemanding and do not spread as much as other plants. They therefore do not necessarily have to be cut, which makes the maintenance of the hedge much easier.

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