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Elderberry is not a hunger artist. The ornamental and fruit tree needs energy for the wonderful flowering, the magnificent berry decoration and the impressive growth of 40 centimeters per year. We initiate you into the proper fertilization.

Nitrogen is the focus of nutrient supply

In the garden, elder is considered an indicator plant for nitrogen-rich soil. From this it can be concluded that a rethinking is required in the context of fertilization. While the experts usually advise against a nitrogen-rich nutrient supply in the kitchen garden, this is now the focus. Since elderberry does not hate food anyway, balanced fertilization follows this procedure:

  • When planting, generously enrich the excavation with compost and horn shavings
  • lay out a layer of nettle leaves in the planting hole under the substrate
  • give compost, stable manure, guano (€121.99) or similar organic fertilizer as an annual start-up fertilizer in spring
  • subsequently repeated fertilization with nitrogenous plant manure, such as nettle manure

Where a biological-mineral berry fertilizer (€3.94) is used, the dates for the nutrient supply are reduced to one application in March/April and another after flowering. The nitrogen-rich fertilization should be stopped when the fruit begins to set, because it is no longer beneficial for the growth of the elderberries.

Fertilize properly - this is important

Since elderberry is one of the flat-rooted plants, it is particularly at risk when it is young due to excessive raking. This is especially true when compost is incorporated into the soil. The soil additive should only be raked in superficially so that it can develop its full potential. It is important to note that the entire tree disc is included in the process.

If you apply mineral berry fertilizer, the surface of the soil must not be dry. If necessary, it is first watered and then the preparation is applied. Finally, water again so that the active ingredients reach the roots quickly.

tips and tricks

Popular belief is that an elder in front of the house protects against lightning and fire. Under its canopy of leaves, people are even said to be protected from mosquitoes and snake bites. Our ancestors therefore took off their hats in passing to propitiate the good spirits in the elderberry.

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