- Above all, lemons need nitrogen
- The correct fertilization interval
- Fertilizing is not necessary in winter
- Replace substrate regularly
- tips and tricks
In order for your lemon tree to grow luxuriantly, to develop numerous flowers and fruits and for its leaves to have the beautiful, rich green color, it needs a lot of nutrients, especially during the growth phase.

Above all, lemons need nitrogen
Nitrogen is primarily responsible for the strong green leaf colour, which is why a nitrogen deficiency is quickly reflected in fading leaf green. Phosphorus, on the other hand, is particularly important for the healthy growth of the plant, and lemons also need a lot of potassium. For this reason, you should use a complete fertilizer that provides the three nutrients mentioned in a ratio of 3:1:2. You can use commercially available compound fertilizer with the right mixing ratio, but you can never go wrong with a special citrus fertilizer.
The correct fertilization interval
Lemons should be fertilized about every two to three weeks from the start of sprouting in spring - usually as early as March - until the end of the vegetation period in September. The easiest way to do this is with a liquid fertilizer, which is added to the lime-free irrigation water. In this way, the fertilizer reaches the roots faster and can be absorbed more easily by the plant. However, it is also possible to use a long-term fertilizer that releases its nutrients depending on humidity and temperature. You simply work this fertilizer into the soil surface.
Lemons need lime-free irrigation water
Be sure to water your lemon tree with rainwater or stagnant water whenever possible. The lime in the tap water can clog the plant's pathways so that only a few nutrients pass through them and the tree takes care of itself as a result. If the water is stagnant, you should not pour out the water at the bottom of the watering container, as this contains the lime that has settled.
Fertilizing is not necessary in winter
In the winter period, on the other hand, you do not need to water your lemon tree as long as you winter it cool but as bright as possible, as recommended. At temperatures of up to around 12 °C, the roots largely cease their activities and can therefore not absorb any nutrients at all. The only thing you shouldn't forget is watering - depending on the temperature and brightness, an interval of between two and four weeks should be sufficient.
Replace substrate regularly
For optimal nutrient supply, it is also important that you repot your lemon regularly. This measure also ensures that the substrate does not harden. The roots need loose soil so that they do not suffocate and waterlogging cannot form. Young plants should be repotted once a year, older ones about every two to three years.
tips and tricks
Lemon trees kept indoors in particular benefit from spraying the leaves and shoots all around regularly. You can also add liquid fertilizer to this water.