The juice and seeds of the pomegranate taste delicious and are rich in B vitamins, minerals and trace elements. The roots and bark of the pomegranate tree, which was used as a remedy against tapeworms up until the Middle Ages, are poisonous.

Poisoning from the alkaloids contained in the bark and roots can only occur if the plant parts in question are used as a remedy against tapeworms and the wrong dosage is used. Since these are no longer used in modern medicine, the likelihood of poisoning is extremely low. The following symptoms of poisoning are described:

  • dizziness, nausea and vomiting,
  • Stomach and intestinal disorders up to bleeding from the gastric mucosa,
  • disorder of the central nervous system,
  • circulatory collapse.

tips and tricks

All sorts of healing powers are attributed to the pomegranate. Even if these have not yet been scientifically proven, the pomegranate convinces above all with its good taste.

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