Over time, the lush plant growth of a meadow can decrease, instead of all kinds of colorful flowers and herbs, there are suddenly only a few types of plants left. For this reason, it makes sense to overseed meadows.

Why does it make sense to overseed meadows?

As a rule, meadows should be able to sustain themselves by sowing the various plants themselves and thus multiplying. However, this is not always possible, because on the one hand birds and other small animals like to eat up the seeds and on the other hand self-sowing can be impaired by premature mowing. Another reason for reseeding that has become necessary can be the use of the wrong - because unsuitable - seed in a new planting. Many commercially available seed mixes only contain annual plants, which often do not prove particularly successful in terms of natural propagation - especially if they are not even native plants. Therefore, when choosing seeds, make sure that you buy a colorful mixture of native, perennial flowers and herbs.

This is how you can overseed your meadow

It is best to overseed the meadow in spring, when no more frosty nights are to be expected - i. H. a sunny day in April or May is the perfect date for such a project. Depending on the plant species, you can also spread the seeds in June. In any case, consult the weather report beforehand to get a forecast for the following days; In addition, the ground should definitely be frost-free. Apart from the sun and warmth, the seedlings need water, especially in the first four weeks, and must not be allowed to dry out under any circumstances. This could negatively affect their growth. Therefore, keep the overseeded areas evenly moist, but without flooding them.

Step-by-step instructions for overseeding the meadow

The following instructions make it easier for you to overseed the meadow:

  • Mow the meadow and fill in hollows or depressions with sand or earth.
  • If necessary, straighten the meadow.
  • Now the meadow is scarified or harrowed so that the soil is loosened.
  • Spread the seeds out over a wide area.
  • It is better to take too many than too few seeds, so that a dense vegetation develops.
  • Work the seeds well into the soil, e.g. B. by driving over it with a grass roller.
  • Keep the newly seeded area evenly moist.

tips and tricks

Another method of overseeding is so-called hay mulching, whereby you bring fresh clippings (with flowers and herbs ready for seed) from another meadow to your new meadow to be sown and lay them out there. In this case, too, the soil must first be thoroughly loosened.
