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The design of the garden is usually treated quite neglected when building a new home. When the new house shines in all its splendour, the barren, desolate property is a thorn in the side. Although the budget for many homeowners is not much in this phase, you can still create an attractive and easy-care garden with a little skill. These tips show how to do it.

The be-all and end-all when building a new garden is the planning

Plan comprehensively - implement in stages

Tight budgets are no reason to give up the garden of your dreams. Your green kingdom with a magnificent ornamental garden and productive vegetable garden will not be created overnight. Therefore, give your vision a concrete form as part of comprehensive planning.

Implementation will take place in stages over the coming years. The first steps to make the property arable require a lot of energy and time. This pioneering phase does not necessarily involve a high financial outlay. Cost-intensive work, such as paving or masonry, can be bridged inexpensively with simple interim solutions. Sidewalks on the site are laid out with gravel or bark mulch before the money is available for paving work.

Enclosure has top priority - you should pay attention to that

Protection from prying eyes is at the top of the list of important tasks in a new build garden. A near-natural enclosure of shrubs is very popular with new owners. Since man-high trees have a proud price, proceed as follows:

  • Buy fast-growing shrubs as small roots, such as hornbeam or forsythia for 1 euro each
  • Place the young plants in autumn in the loosened soil enriched with compost
  • Put up inexpensive reed mats with a height of 200 cm towards the street and the neighbors

With this trick, you can enjoy your privacy in the new garden right from the start and can wait in peace until the bushes have reached an opaque height.

The ideal solution to start with - the combined ornamental and kitchen garden

As a new home gardener, we recommend a trial and error phase to get started. The classic form of the cottage garden offers you the ideal opportunity for this. For this purpose, create four beds of the same size with a wayside cross.

In the individual beds you grow vegetables, sorted according to heavy consumers, medium consumers and weak consumers. Because the types of vegetables change the bed every year, the soil does not deplete. Sow flower seeds between the vegetables as you wish, from A, for columbines, to Z, for zinnias. You can read here exactly how the ingenious concept of the cottage garden works.


The family garden is only complete when there is a corner for your children to run around and play. A swing, a playhouse and a sandpit are the starting point. Climbing frames and other attractions will be added later when funds allow. When your children have outgrown the playing age, a turf roll covers the sandy surface in no time and the playhouse becomes a tool shed.

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