In this country, the star jasmine is a well-known container plant that, if it were hardy, would probably prefer to be planted outdoors. With its magically beautiful flowers, its evergreen leaves and its climbing habit, it has numerous advantages… But is it actually poisonous?

The star jasmine is poisonous to humans and animals

Toxic due to alkaloids

This member of the dogbane family is, as the name of the plant family suggests, poisonous - not just for dogs. There are alkaloids and, for example, the substance ibogaine, which has a hallucinogenic effect.

Here are more facts about the perennial and woody star jasmine:

  • all parts of the plant are poisonous
  • Toxic to both humans and animals
  • Leaves contain milky juice
  • Milky juice may cause skin irritation on contact
  • strong floral scent can lead to headaches


If you care for, cut and propagate the star jasmine, it is best to wear gloves to avoid skin irritation.
