The loosestrife, also known to some as loosestrife, blooms from June to August. The most well-known species, Lysimachia punctata, has golden yellow flowers, to match the name. Yellow loosestrife is an undemanding plant, loves the sun and prefers moist soil.

Yellow loosestrife flowers in summer

Since the non-toxic loosestrife also thrives in partial shade, it is suitable for some corners of the garden that only a few people love. Here it can spread undisturbed and delights visitors with a veritable abundance of flowers. If you only have limited space for this easily rampant plant, then cut back your loosestrife regularly and prune the roots at the same time.

The essentials in brief:

  • Flowering period: June to August
  • Flower color: golden yellow
  • suitable as a cut flower


Also cut your loosestrife once for the vase. It gives large bouquets a wonderful luminous fullness and doesn't mind a plentiful cut either.
