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Top soil is the most fertile layer of soil and in principle naturally present in the garden. Under certain circumstances it may be necessary to purchase the special soil externally - a difficult undertaking. Our guide explains when it makes sense to procure topsoil, where and how best to do it and what distinguishes high-quality topsoil.

Top soil is the top layer in the garden soil

Purchase Criteria


Top soil is divided into different classes depending on the proportions of inorganic material, humus and nutrients. The pH value and water permeability are also important parameters for the classification. Ultimately, it is all about the fact that topsoil is intended for different uses depending on its composition.

Note on pH: Most plants do best at a pH of 5.5 to 7.

Basically important properties of good topsoil at a glance:

  • crumbly
  • well ventilated
  • easy to root through
  • capable of absorbing sufficient rainwater


High-quality topsoil is dark in color - due to the high proportion of humus and the countless soil organisms. The lighter it looks, the more likely it has been mixed with subsoil - something to avoid and a clear sign of poor quality.


Simple, coarse topsoil usually still contains roots and pieces of root. This means that weeds and other undesirable plants will later sprout from it. Therefore, you should NOT buy so-called "topsoil as grown".

Reach for sifted topsoil instead. This is a bit more expensive, but the investment is worth it. With such a prepared soil all coarse parts are sieved out.

Sieved topsoil is commonly available with a grain size of 0 to 20 or 0 to 30 millimeters. Although weed seeds can also be found here, you will definitely not encounter roots, rhizomes and coarse stones in such topsoil.

In addition, the topsoil must be free of debris, glass, and scraps of foil (garbage or compost bags). Ideally, it is also free of wood and shredder chips.

Freedom from harmful substances

Also, make sure the topsoil is proven to be pollution-free. Let us show you the corresponding certificate - important above all if you want to grow vegetables and fruit with the soil.


How much topsoil do you need? Make sure an offer fully covers your needs so you don't have to mix different floors.


We recommend that you do not simply take the first offer that comes along, but instead compare several offers with one another in terms of costs - always assuming, of course, that the quality is right. And: If you are in a hurry, you can of course not wait any longer, but should grab the first offer that is of convincing quality and at a reasonable price.

By the way: In our opinion, it is better to avoid offers that are too cheap, as they presumably imply inferior goods. Exception: You get the Mother Earth for free from a construction site in your area.

frequently asked Questions

What is mother earth?

Top soil, also known as topsoil or topsoil, is a naturally occurring layer in the garden soil. Here is an overview of the structure of a conventional garden floor:

  • At the top is the rotting/mulch layer consisting of grass residue, leaves and dead animals
  • this is followed by the topsoil with a layer of about 30 centimeters
  • underneath lies the nutrient-poor, inorganic subsoil, ending with a stony subsoil

The term "topsoil" is no coincidence, as this layer of soil forms the basis for all living plants. It developed from the earth's crust over the course of several thousand years.

In addition to (rain) water, the mother earth also contains bacteria, a wide variety of animal organisms (ants, worms, spiders, caterpillars, larvae and other insects) as well as countless elementary nutrients such as nitrogen and, above all, oxygen.

Exciting numbers: Scientists have found out that in 0.3 cubic meters of topsoil - which corresponds to an area of about 100 x 100 x 30 cm (LxWxD) - a whopping 1.6 trillion living beings cavort. That is more than there are currently people on our planet Earth (7.8 billion as of October 2022).

Important note: Top soil is not to be confused with commercially available potting or plant soil, which is extensively sieved, germ-reduced and mixed with fertilizer. The gigantic life that characterizes the topsoil cannot replace conventional soil.

What is mother earth for?

Top soil is primarily used to level out unevenness in the terrain. Furthermore, gardeners use the topsoil as a sub-soil for the lawn or for growing vegetables and fruit. Depending on the desired application, topsoil can be further improved or adapted with potting soil, humus, compost and fertilizer.

How do I calculate my need for topsoil?

To calculate your topsoil needs, you will need a folding ruler, a piece of paper, a pen, and a calculator.

our recommendation
Meister folding rule wood - 3 meters long - metric scale - elastic & stable - striking double scaling - for home, hobby & workshop / ruler / meter rule / measuring tool / 6442000
9.99 EUR To the product

1. Measure the excavation (length, width and depth).
2. Write down the three values in meters.
3. Multiply the values together.

How to calculate the required volume of topsoil in cubic meters (m³). Our tip: add 10 to 15 percent due to the compaction.

Here you can find out how to convert the calculated cubic meters into tons. Just scroll down a bit.

Where can I buy topsoil?

First a preliminary remark: topsoil is a natural product that cannot be produced artificially. In construction projects, the unsustainable topsoil is excavated. It is (fortunately) a legal requirement that topsoil must be stored and recycled separately from subsoil. An important thing, after all, this precious soil develops slowly over decades.

If you don't have top soil available for the planned plant in your garden, you can buy it. But: You will rarely find what you are looking for in ordinary hardware stores such as OBI, toom, Bauhaus, Hornbach, Globus or hagebaumarkt or in garden centers. Call your local hardware store ahead of time to inquire. Things are similar at Amazon and Co.

The best way to get Oberboden is to regularly check classified ads, either in the local newspaper or on specific online portals. Especially after large excavations, topsoil is often offered on various sales platforms. Before making any payment, do not forget to check the topsoil for the most important quality characteristics so as not to order inferior goods.

What is the cost of mother earth?

Mother earth is usually not exactly cheap. The price depends on many factors, such as the volume and grain of the soil, but of course also on the individual discretion of the respective provider. In addition, you can expect the price per ton to decrease as you buy more. Usually, the costs vary between ten and 40 euros per ton.


Sometimes there is even a chance to get mother earth for free - for example, if a major construction project is pending or already underway in your place of residence. Don't be afraid to ask the builders. They need the space and are usually happy to get rid of the soil. Of course, you are dependent on picking it up yourself and cannot conveniently have the goods delivered to you.

How do I dispose of topsoil?

If you have excess topsoil of your own that you want to dispose of, you must act responsibly-because it is illegal to carelessly destroy the natural living resource, and also because it is, quite simply, something precious. The following options are available to you to dispose of your topsoil sustainably:

  • Sift topsoil and bring it to a reputable gardening company with a suitable car trailer (also available for rent) or (if the distance is short) with a wheelbarrow and hand it in there free of charge (ask in advance by phone!)
  • place an ad and offer the topsoil as a gift or for sale (request collection!)
  • Commission a specialist company to dispose of the excavated material


pass-through sieve

If you want to sell topsoil yourself or give it away for free, you should sift it first. This requires a throw-through sieve - with a support and a mesh size of around ten to 15 millimeters.

our recommendation
pass-through sieve
EUR 30.95 To the product


Whether for collecting or transporting topsoil or for other work with the topsoil and in the garden in general: a wheelbarrow is always useful.

our recommendation
Jusky's Wheelbarrow Garden | 100 liters volume | 210kg | Pneumatic tire with metal rim | tub galvanized | Garden cart wheelbarrow transport cart
74.95 EUR To the product

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