Ribwort plantain (Plantago lanceolata) can be used fresh, dried or preserved in a variety of ways. It is not only edible and tasty, but also healthy for humans, horses and rabbits.

Collect plantain at the right time

If you cannot grow buckhorn in your own garden as a herb and medicinal plant, you can find it most easily during flowering in near-natural forage meadows and along roadsides. Be careful to choose a remote spot for gathering to avoid harvesting crops contaminated by dogs. Since the buckhorn reproduces through self-sowing and also through the roots, numerous specimens of the species can often be found in a suitable location. In principle, all parts of the plant can be harvested and processed during the entire vegetation period. However, you will achieve the best results if you harvest between May and September.

Save the plantain

Drying is a popular technique for preserving plantain for the winter season with its antitussive properties. Gather plantain leaves during dry weather to keep them from getting moldy while drying. In addition, you can use all parts of the plant for plantain, but the proportion of lanceolate leaves should clearly outweigh the stems and flower heads. To dry, you can string the plantain leaves on a string and hang them up in a well-ventilated place. Alternatively, you can also prepare plantain honey or use a centrifuge to extract the juice from its leaves.

The use of fresh plantain in the kitchen

Plantain is not only a very effective natural medicine for throat and bronchial problems, but also a tasty ingredient for the following dishes:

  • herb salads
  • sauces
  • dressings

The fresh leaves of the buckhorn can be washed and cut into small pieces and simply mixed with salads and spicy dressings. The flower heads of the plant that have not yet blossomed can be roasted in a little oil and mixed with various foods produce a mushroom-like taste.

tips and tricks

Plantain roots can also be harvested and used. They help against inflammation in the mouth and throat when chewed.
