Chaste tree offers many arguments for its cultivation. The monks of the Middle Ages already knew about its healing gifts for us humans. This is reflected in the naming. Of course, you can only place the shrub in the garden for its magical inflorescences.

Monk's pepper likes to be sheltered and sunny

Raise a plant

You can buy a young plant in a stationary garden shop or in an online shop. Alternatively, you can propagate them yourself by getting seeds and sowing them, or have another chaste tree friend cut you a cutting. This can start the successful cultivation of this plant. There are also different types of chaste tree that flower white, violet, blue, red or pink.

Choose location carefully

Having your own garden is not a requirement if you want this plant. The hardy shrub is also satisfied with a very large bucket. It also finds a useful home on a balcony.

The shrub needs enough space at its location because it can grow up to 3 m high and wide. Although it stays smaller in the bucket, it can be described as a giant compared to other balcony plants. These are the other characteristics of its ideal location:

  • warm
  • sheltered from the wind
  • sunny
  • permeable soil
  • alkaline earth

Customized care

Caring for this shrub consists primarily of fertilizing, watering and pruning. Since chaste tree gets along well with drought, you only need to water if it hasn't rained for a really long time. In the spring, the shrub is cut back to up to 20 cm. Then it is also fertilized abundantly with mature compost.

Potted plants need more attention

Potted plants need regular attention. Depending on the weather, it is watered and fertilized every two weeks during the growing season. Before winter, you need to look for a frost-free place to hibernate that can be dark. In spring, if necessary, repotting is announced, always with a drainage layer.

Admire and reap

If you plant chaste tree for its beauty, you can admire its spikes of flowers every year from July to September. However, the soft parts of the plant also have a pepper-like taste, which is welcome when flavoring food.

Leaves, blossoms and the red-black fruits have a healing effect. If you are interested in this area of use, you should not experiment, but find out more about the areas of application and dosage beforehand.
