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Most often, borders are laid out as narrow beds, along a path or at the edge of a lawn. They should provide color in the garden or in a park. Therefore, many of them are replanted every season.

Weeds should be removed from time to time

Rebates can also lie along a house wall or wall. Then the difficulty in maintaining it is that it can only be walked on or worked on from one side. The width of the discounts should be chosen accordingly.

Maintain bill of exchange discounts

Exchange discounts are always replanted according to the season. Their care consists of regular watering and weeding. Cutting measures are usually not necessary, because cut flowers are not usually planted in borders. However, replanting several times a year is relatively time-consuming and possibly also expensive. But you have a wonderful bloom in your garden all year round.

Maintaining bill of exchange discounts:

  • water and fertilize as needed
  • remove weeds regularly
  • plant seasonally

The maintenance of permanent discounts

If you have decided on a one-off planting with frost-hardy perennial perennials, then you can look forward to an easy-care bed in the years to come. However, you should not expect months of flowering splendor. With a sensible combination of early and late bloomers, however, you can come quite close to these expectations.

For example, if you plant roses, they must be pruned regularly. This encourages the plants to bud again. Bulbs of snowdrops, crocuses and winterlings ensure early flowering in late winter and early spring. Put these into the ground in autumn. Only cut the foliage when it has completely dried up.

The perennial discounts

You can combine different perennials so that some of them always bloom. They also go well with ornamental grasses. You should fertilize these beds sufficiently in spring and summer and water them if necessary.


As a rule, borders have fixed borders. This limits the growth of grass in the borders.

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