Oval leaves with pointed ends decorate the popular fruit tree. Its strong shade of green offers a special eye-catcher. As soon as the canopy changes shape and color, these are signs of malaise. We report on possible causes.

Various causes recognizable on the leaf

There are no effective antidotes for most diseases and pests. You can fight vermin effectively with natural predators. In case of infection, it is recommended to remove affected fruit, leaves and twigs immediately.

  • Bag gall mite: Swellings (galls) on the leaves, mainly on the edges
  • Web moths: Eating off the foliage from April, in some cases defoliation possible
  • Small Plum Louse: Leaves wrinkle and curl.
  • Mealy plum aphid: yellow leaves fall off, sooty mold on fruit and foliage

tips and tricks

Regular, professional pruning ensures sufficient air circulation. This way you avoid infections of the plum.
