The golden-yellow, curtain-like hanging flowers are eponymous for the laburnum and delight with their magnificent fullness and their beguiling scent. In the following you can read what makes the flower bloom and when you can expect it.

Laburnum flower - beautiful and useful
The flowers that the laburnum forms are typical butterfly flowers in drooping racemes. They are very rich, both in number and in fragrance and pollen supply. They are therefore also a valuable pasture for beneficial insects such as bees and butterflies - the laburnum is therefore not only suitable as a decorative ornamental plant, but also as a natural improver of the garden biotope.
The heyday
When the laburnum delights you with its blooms depends on the type of laburnum and on the age of the specimen. The common laburnum and the noble laburnum flower from around mid/end of May to the end of June, the alpine laburnum is a little later. A young laburnum needs a few years to establish itself in the garden before it shows its first flowers. Older specimens can also eventually run out of juice for the elaborate flowering.