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Plant lovers will be heartbroken to see their schefflera, once such a patient and hardy roommate, lose their leaves. If more than two leaves fall off a day, this is no longer normal. But what's going on?

Cold can be the cause of schefflera losing leaves

Reasons why the schefflera loses leaves

Radiant Aralia are usually resilient and not easily knocked down. But if the abuses continue, they too soon give up and drop their leaves. The main reasons for leaf loss can be:

  • Temperatures below 10°C
  • too moist substrate
  • too dark location
  • disturbing drafts at the site
  • existing diseases

Fast action is called for - otherwise there is a risk of ruin

If you don't act now, the end of the schefflera may be near. Usually it cannot regenerate itself if there are mistakes in care or if it is in the wrong place. Therefore, check the location and care and examine the foliage to see if there are any pests or fungi on it!

Prevent abnormal leaf drop

But how do you prevent all of this? Very simply, by designing everything for the best:

  • place in a warm and bright location
  • do not place near open doors and windows
  • do not expose to direct sun
  • winter moderately warm
  • don't over-fertilize
  • Water evenly and ensure good water drainage

As a rule, leaf loss is preceded by an unusual discoloration of the leaves. The leaves turn yellowish at first, then sometimes turn brown as well, until they finally fall off. If you see such signs, you should act quickly!

Don't worry if leaves fall off every now and then

Every schefflera will lose leaves over time. Especially in the lower trunk area, it looks bare after a few years. The leaves are only visible at the top. But that's perfectly normal.


The most common causes of radiant macaw leaves dropping are too low temperatures and too wet soil.

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