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The tasty quinces are far too seldom offered in the supermarket. If you are able to buy some or would like to process your own harvest, you can make delicious quince juice from it and enjoy the fruity taste for several months.

Quince juice is delicious and rich in vitamins

How are quinces prepared for juicing?

Quinces are surrounded by a furry down that contains bitter substances. Therefore, the quinces should be carefully prepared before juicing so that the end product does not taste bitter.
Rub off the fluff thoroughly with a kitchen towel and then wash the quinces. You should also remove the stalk and the base of the flower before juicing. However, you do not have to peel the quinces. Although the peel cannot be eaten, it does not interfere with the juicing process.

Juice quinces by heating

Quinces are perfect for hot juicing, as the juice becomes sweeter when heated and a higher juice yield from the sometimes quite dry fruit is possible.
If you have a steam juicer, add the quinces, prepared as above and roughly chopped, to the fruit basket. This is placed on the juice collection container, which in turn stands on the bottom pot filled with water. Provided with a lid, the steam juicer can now be placed on the stove for at least an hour. You fill the finished hot juice into sterile bottles through the spout tube, so that it can be kept for several months without further boiling.
If you want to juice the quinces without having to buy any utensils, you can easily do this in a saucepan. Cut the prepared quinces into cubes, place them in a saucepan and just cover the pieces of fruit with water. When you have cooked them for 20 minutes, you can push the quinces through a sieve. Filter the juice obtained in this way through a kitchen towel. To preserve the quince juice, it has to be boiled again before bottling. Otherwise, you should store it in the fridge and use it within a few days.

Juice raw quinces

It is also possible to cold juice quinces, using a juicer or juicer. Raw quince juice tastes tart than hot juiced. It can be stored in the refrigerator for a few days.
If you want to make jelly from the quince juice, you should use juice obtained by heating the fruit. The raw quince juice contains a lot of suspended matter, which makes it difficult to gel when it is boiled down. Alternatively, you can carefully filter the raw juice through a cloth and then boil it down, which means an additional step.

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How can fruit and vegetables be stored correctly so that they stay fresh for as long as possible?

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