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The quite frugal and easy-care pencil plants can be propagated, preferably with cuttings. However, rooting takes time and is not always successful. For successful offspring, you should therefore cut several cuttings at the same time.

The offshoots for propagating the pencil bush are best cut in summer

When and how do I cut cuttings?

Take your cuttings in the summer when the young shoots are well established. Pick the strongest and healthiest shoots and cut them just above a leaf node. Avoid touching the poisonous plant sap. Wearing gloves is recommended, because a lot of sap escapes when cutting.

How are cuttings planted?

You can root many offshoots in a glass of water, but this method is less recommended for the pencil bush. The danger of rotting is quite high.

Root your cuttings in substrate, then let the offshoots dry for a few days, for example on newspaper or kitchen paper, and use relatively dry and low-humus substrate. A mixture of cactus soil and sand is well suited. Insert the cuttings about three to five centimeters deep. Water moderately to keep your cuttings from rotting.

How do I care for cuttings and young plants?

Place both the cuttings and the young plants in a bright and warm place, but not in the blazing sun. The temperature should be at least 20 °C. You need a little patience for rooting, it can take a few weeks.

If your new pencil bush sprout, then it has already formed roots. Continue to water moderately and repot the pencil plant after a few months. In the first year you should not expose the plant to direct sunlight. You get a place in the semi-shade better.

The essentials in brief:

  • It is best to cut offshoots in summer
  • let it dry for a few days
  • root in sandy substrate
  • keep only moderately moist
  • Transplant only after new leaves have sprouted
  • Don't place young plants in full sun and only water a little


When cutting your cuttings, make sure that your hands do not come into contact with the milky plant sap, as this can trigger severe allergic reactions.

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