The exotic Monstera species are not only beautiful to look at, they also bear tasty fruit. That is at least true for the popular Monstera deliciosa - better known as the delicious monstera. These instructions sum up the conditions under which the evergreen climbing plant flowers and bears fruit.

The Monstera develops delicious fruits in its homeland

Change of location slows down flowering

In order to make your Monstera willing to flower, please choose the best location with foresight. It is not enough that it is in a sunny to semi-shady, warm location. Once the window leaf has acclimatized to its place, it wants to stay here for the rest of its life. If a change of location is expected of the exotic ornamental plant, you will look in vain for the cream-yellow bulbous flowers and the resulting fruits.

Care tips for a flowering window leaf

In their natural ranges, under ideal conditions, Monstera flowers for the first time between the ages of 3 and 5 years. In indoor culture, on the other hand, a window leaf takes 10 years or more until it decides on a first flowering period, which gives you the coveted fruits. On the way there, the following care has a beneficial effect:

  • Pour the acidic substrate promptly as soon as the surface has dried
  • Mist the leaves and aerial roots regularly
  • Wipe off dusty leaves with a damp cloth
  • Use primarily rainwater or decalcified tap water
  • Fertilize liquid every 2 weeks from April to September
  • Fertilize every 4 to 6 weeks from October to March

Please do not cut off active, healthy aerial roots. These play an important role in the supply of water and nutrients. It takes a lot of energy for your windowsill to bloom and bear fruit in the Central European climate. Therefore, only remove the retracted leaves in the lower area of the plant. With each leaf that carries out photosynthesis, you get a little closer to the first flower and fruit.


Once the horticultural masterpiece has been achieved, that a monstera blooms and bears fruit, a long wait begins. It can take up to 12 months for a window leaf fruit to be ready for consumption. Only when the green peel can be easily removed does the creamy-white flesh fulfill what the name pineapple banana promises.
