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We owe her tasty chicory, crunchy radicchio and delicious Muckefuck, the classic coffee substitute. The common chicory also inspires with bright blue ray flowers in the natural garden. Read here when Cichorium intybus puts on its flowers.

Chicory blooms continuously throughout the summer

Charming bloom lasts all summer

The common chicory is one of the biennial plants. As a result, it forms a basal leaf rosette in the first year. In the following year, an up to 150 cm high inflorescence with light green, lanceolate leaves rises from it. From June to October, the light blue ray flowers attract busy bees, bumblebees and butterflies to multiply by self-seeding.

Individual flowers live for a day

It is characteristic of the chicory that it keeps producing new flowers over the long flowering period, well into autumn. A single flower only opens in the morning to breathe out its floral life in the afternoon.

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