The bulbed leek, also known as ornamental leek, originally comes from Asia Minor and Central. He trumps with his ball-shaped flowers and is considered undemanding. But that's only assuming it was planted properly…

Ball leeks should be planted in a sunny location

Which location does the ball of leek prefer?

Whether in a bed, by the wayside, in the rock garden or in a bucket - the ball of leek prefers a sunny location. He can also be exposed to the blazing sun. Ideally, it should be at least 3 hours of sun per day for him. Shady locations are less suitable for him. Willing to compromise, he shows himself in the penumbra.

When is the perfect planting time and how do you plant the bulbs?

You should plant your garlic bulbs in autumn between September and November! Then the plant has enough time until spring to develop roots and shoot tips. Plant the bulbs in the soil, tip up. Note that you only plant bulbs that are plump and firm! They should be planted 10 to 15 cm deep in soil.

What demands does the plant have on the soil?

The demands on the floor are usually easy to meet. The top priority is that the bulbs find a water-permeable soil. A sandy-loamy to gritty-loamy substrate is therefore well suited. The following aspects are also advantageous:

  • nutritious
  • humorous
  • relaxed
  • dry to moderately moist

How can ball leeks be propagated?

The Kugellauch can easily be propagated. A proven and at the same time popular method is propagation via onions. Place them in the ground at a distance of 15 cm! Sowing is also possible. The seeds should be sown in late winter.

What other garden plants do ball leeks look good next to?

During its heyday, the ball of garlic loses so much strength that its leaves turn yellow. Therefore, it has become 'natural' to plant it together with perennials that hide its unsightly leaves. For example:

  • lady's mantle
  • cranesbill
  • columbine
  • ornamental grasses
  • coneflower
  • bed roses


It is best to mark the planting site with a wooden stick or something similar! Then you won't accidentally pick at the onion or the shoots of the bulbous leek in the spring.
