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Usually the skimmia looks wonderful with its dense growth, dark green glossy leaves, delicate flowers and coral red fruits. But when yellow leaves develop, the fun is over. What causes can there be?

If there is too much sun, the skimmia can develop yellow leaves

That can be behind it!

If the Skimmia shows yellow leaves, something is wrong - that's for sure. But what reasons can there be?

  • too sunny location
  • Too dry room/ambient air
  • waterlogging
  • calcareous soil or calcareous fertilizer
  • too much fertilizer
  • Infestation with vine weevil
  • Signs of aging of older shoots
  • significant temperature change

Prevent yellow leaves with preventive measures

You can remedy this in advance by planting the Skimmia in a semi-shady to shady location, fertilizing moderately, watering regularly and checking for pests.


Potted Skimmia is more prone to yellow leaves than Outdoor Skimmia. Therefore, when cultivating this plant in pots, it is important to take proper care of it.

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