Acer buergerianum proves to be an ideal species for beginners who want to approach the art of bonsai. The wood grows strongly and forms harmonious forms. It easily tolerates cutting measures and forgives the layman for occasional mistakes when cutting.

Trident maple is a particularly beautiful bonsai

Shape by cutting

Balanced branching with dense and healthy foliage reflects the art of bonsai design. Since the trident maple grows quickly and has a high annual growth rate, it must be pruned throughout the growing season.

To cut

The ideal time for cutting extends over the leafless phases between autumn and winter, or after winter until the beginning of spring. Then you have a good overview of interfering branches. After a leaf cut, you can turn to the branches.

Here's what you should remove:

  • branches at sharp angles
  • vertical branches
  • undesirable thick shoots

A soft and gentle shape with many curves is desired for the trefoil maple. The branches ideally grow in an alternate arrangement. Since the tree develops opposite buds, remove the unsightly branch and leave the opposite one.


From spring onwards, the trident maple sprout vigorously, so that continuous growth control is necessary. With this measure, they prevent the internodes from developing too large a distance. You keep the sprouting in balance by cutting off the young leaves. Normally there are three buds next to each other at the ends of the shoots, with the middle one sprouting first. As soon as all the leaves are clearly visible, remove the leaf in the middle. A little later, snap off the other two maple leaves as well.

leaf cut

With this method you bring the crown growth of the bonsai into balance. Here you remove the outer leaves in vigorously growing areas. The weaker shoots are spared and not defoliated so that the trees put more energy into their growth. This partial intervention has the advantage that the growth in thickness of the defoliated branches stagnates. This gives you the opportunity to coordinate the branch thicknesses.

bud selection

You can influence the growth vigor and shape of the bonsai throughout the season by leaving suitable buds and pinching unfavorably placed specimens. The faster you act, the better the tree can put its energy into developing the desired shoots.

Design with wire

The branches can be formed from the end of May. Caution is required when wiring. The wood is comparatively hard, so the branches break off quickly when bent. For this reason, the still young, one- to two-year-old shoots of Acer buergerianum are usually shaped with spirally arranged wires. These have a thin bark that can be easily injured. Check the progress of growth weekly, as the species grows rapidly in late summer. There is a risk here that the aluminum wires will grow into the wood and leave scars.
