Similar to other nightshade plants (tomato or potato), the egg tree is not hardy. It can be cultivated as a houseplant, but also likes to spend the summer in the garden. However, he should leave this in good time in the autumn.

The egg tree is already sensitive to temperatures below 15 degrees

Why is the egg tree traded as an annual plant?

In general, the egg tree is a perennial plant. However, since it cannot withstand temperatures below 15 °C for a long time, it often dies in the garden before the first frost. As a result, it appears at first glance to be an annual.

Many a garden owner also likes to save themselves the winter storage of the egg tree or simply has no suitable winter quarters available. In this case, it may be cheaper for him to buy a new plant in the spring.

What does the ideal winter quarters look like?

Ideally, your egg tree should overwinter at temperatures between 15°C and 18°C or 20°C. The plant also needs a lot of light in winter. Therefore, a heated greenhouse or a warm conservatory are well suited as winter quarters. Overwintering in the living room is also possible. A basement room, on the other hand, is usually too dark and too cool.

What care does my egg tree need in winter?

During the winter, your egg tree needs less maintenance than during the growth phase or flowering period. You should now no longer fertilize it and water it less than in the warm season. The actual water requirement depends on the temperature in the winter quarters. The warmer it is there, the higher your egg tree's thirst.

Be sure to bring the egg tree to its winter quarters in good time so that it is not damaged. The ideal time is when daytime temperatures drop below 20°C and nighttime temperatures drop below 15°C. In spring, the plant is only allowed to go outside in the garden again when the ice saints are over and the night-time temperatures are permanently above 15 °C.

The essentials in brief:

  • not hardy
  • definitely spend the winter warm and bright
  • water less in winter and do not fertilize


The egg tree is often traded as an annual garden plant, but is perennial with suitable overwintering.
