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The root system of the baobab tree grows very quickly. For this reason, plenty of space is needed to meet their need for free development.

Repot regularly

So that the baobab tree can develop magnificently, repotting is part of the annual routine.

Adansiona should stay in one and the same flower pot for a maximum of 2 years.

This is the best starting point for holistic care of the African exotic.

The best time

A perfect time for repotting is early spring. On this occasion, the small offshoots can be removed at the same time. These take root quickly. In this way, small, decorative baobab trees quickly develop.

The right plant substrate

A particularly water-permeable plant substrate is suitable for the baobab tree to feel comfortable in its new home. To do this, use a mixture with a high proportion of clay and sand.

Hobby gardeners must ensure that peat soil is not used under any circumstances with this exotic plant.

To ensure that the nutrient content is secured in the long term, mulch (€239.00) is a natural additive.

Practical tips:

Immediately after repotting, it is advisable to water the tree lightly. The entire soil in the plant pot should be watered through. This way, any damaged roots will recover faster.

You can support this process with an ideal location:

  • bright, no direct sunlight
  • warm room: temperatures above 15 degrees Celsius are recommended

In addition, you can spray the leaves of the baobab tree with water.

The ideal planter

The plant substrate must be well aerated between watering. This way it dries perfectly. The roots cannot rot.

For this reason, planters made of natural clay are ideal. When buying, make sure that it has a hole at the bottom. Excess water drains over it. In the long term, you will ensure sustainable growth without limits.

tips and tricks

Larger baobabs also feel very comfortable in planters.

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