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The black mulberry is considered sensitive to frost. She doesn't like cold wind at all. Originally from western Asia, it is now also native to the southeastern United States and the Mediterranean.
In Germany, the black mulberry is increasingly being replaced by the red mulberry, as it is much less sensitive to cold and wind. The black mulberry is well suited as a container plant. However, with this planting, it needs regular pruning and a suitable place for wintering. Temperatures around freezing point and good ventilation are ideal conditions.
The black mulberry also thrives in typical areas for viticulture, because the climate there is generally mild. If this is your home, then you have the ideal location for mulberry trees and you are spoiled for choice. Because now there are many different types. Even weeping mulberry trees with umbrella-shaped branches are already on offer.
The black mulberry as a crop
Due to their higher pectin content, black mulberries taste less sweet than red or white mulberries. Unfortunately, fully ripe mulberries do not keep for long, so you rarely see them in shops or at the weekly market. After a maximum of two days, the ripe fruits fall from the tree and can be picked up from the ground. Then they have to be processed or consumed quickly.
You can make a syrup from the ripe black mulberries, which mixed with chilled mineral water tastes very good and is an excellent thirst quencher. At your next party you can use it to refine your sparkling wine and serve your guests an extraordinary aperitif. Dried black mulberries taste similar to raisins but more fruity.
The black mulberry as a medicinal plant
Mulberries are not only very tasty, like many other plants they have a healing effect. In the Balkans, black mulberry leaves have been used to lower blood sugar since grandmother's time. An infusion of the leaves is also said to reduce high fever and help against constipation.
Medicinal properties of black mulberry:
- astringent (astringent)
- laxative
- antidiabetic (blood sugar lowering)
- refreshing
tips and tricks
Only plant the black mulberry outdoors if you can offer it a wind-protected place and good winter protection, otherwise planting in a bucket with overwintering indoors is certainly the better solution.