The beautiful white, pink and red flowers of the camellia enchant the flower lover in the middle of winter. Unfortunately, the Camellia japonica is not allowed to provide color in the living room because it is too warm there.

Camellia japonica flowers in winter
Camellias that are kept in tubs in the conservatory or on the patio bloom during the winter from December to February.
In order for the Camellia japonica to develop many flowers, it needs a long cold phase beforehand. If the plant is too warm, few or sometimes no flowers will develop.
The duration of flowering is also shortened by excessive ambient temperatures. Flowers last up to five weeks in a favorable location with low temperatures.
tips and tricks
When camellias don't bloom or the buds and leaves drop prematurely, it's usually too warm. Frequent turning of the pot, which is often assumed to be the cause, is not responsible for this.