Hyacinths are hardy and do not need winter protection in the garden. On the contrary: frost or at least very cool temperatures are even decisive for the hyacinth to bloom again next spring. Potted hyacinths also need a cold phase.

The hyacinth is absolutely hardy

Hibernating hyacinths in the garden

Hyacinths are absolutely hardy. If you have enough space in the bed, simply leave the tubers in the ground. However, the prerequisite is that the soil is loose and permeable to water. As soon as waterlogging occurs, the tuber rots and spoils. Wetness is more difficult for the winter-hardy bulbs than frost.

Loosen the soil well before planting and mix in sand if the soil is very firm. This will prevent the water from accumulating in the ground. The best time to plant is in the very early spring. Then the bulbs have enough time to form many roots and grow well.

If you only planted the bulbs in the fall, you should sprinkle a mulch over the planting site. In the first year, hyacinth bulbs do well with a little winter protection.

Prepare hyacinths in the garden for winter

After flowering, which ends in May, prepare hyacinths for winter:

  • No more watering
  • No more fertilizing
  • Cut off the faded
  • Do not cut green leaves

Before the hibernation, cut off all yellow and withered leaves that are still on the plant.

That's all you have to do to take care of the hardy hyacinths in the garden. Due to the low temperatures in winter, the tubers are stratified. Only then will the plants sprout new leaves and flowers next year.

Take out the onions in the fall

It is not necessary to dig up the hyacinth bulbs in the fall and overwinter them indoors. However, if space in the garden bed is very limited, you can bring them inside over the winter and plant them again in the spring.

Store the onions in a dark and cool place. The bulbs can also be overwintered well in hyacinth jars.

tips and tricks

Hyacinths grown in pots are not frost hardy. You should not plant or place them outdoors when freezing temperatures are still to be expected.
