If the plant sap flows in torrents after pruning, this situation causes discomfort for many cactus gardeners. The question is therefore obvious whether the ingredients are toxic. Read the answer here.
Cacti are not poisonous, but very sharpCacti are not poisonous - but caution is advised
Because the vast majority of cacti species thrive as succulents, the plants have stored up large amounts of water in their leaves and shoots. Thus, it is mainly cell water that flows out of the wounds after a pruning. It does not contain any toxic substances. In fact, some cacti even produce edible fruit, like the prickly pear cacti (Opuntia).
A skin injury from the sharp thorns, however, should not be taken lightly. As with any other injury, even the smallest wound carries an increased risk of infection. You should therefore carefully clean even small scratches and disinfect them with iodine ointment. As a preventative measure, we recommend that you always wear thorn-proof gloves when approaching the well-fortified plants during all work involving plants and care.