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In order for the Queen of the Night to show her beautiful flowers every year, her special requirements must be met during the winter months. The cactus is not hardy, so overwintering outdoors is not possible. Bring plants that are standing on the balcony or terrace into the house before the night-time temperature falls below ten degrees.

In winter, the Queen of the Night is rarely watered and not fertilized

The ideal winter quarters

In any case, the room in which the Queen of the Night spends the winter must be very bright. In addition, the following conditions should prevail here:

  • The temperature must not rise above fifteen degrees,
  • and not drop below ten degrees.
  • Protect the cacti from drafts.

A cool, unheated stairwell or a very bright basement room is ideal for winter storage.

During the winter months, the Queen of the Night is only watered very sparingly. There is no fertilization at all.


From March you can put the cactus warmer again. Then keep the root ball evenly moist and fertilize regularly.

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