Shrub veronica, also known as Hebe, comes from New Zealand. The pretty perennial belonging to the genus Speedwell is grown in the garden for its beautiful flowers or its evergreen leaves, depending on the variety. What you have to consider when caring for the garden.

Hardy shrub veronica varieties are suitable for growing in the garden

The right location for shrub veronica in the garden

Shrub veronica comes from New Zealand and makes some demands on the location in the garden:

  • bright to semi-shady
  • little direct sunlight
  • sheltered from the wind
  • not too warm location
  • permeable soil

If you want to grow Hebe in the garden for several years, look for a place where it does not get colder than minus five degrees in winter. If no such space is available, it is better to plant shrub veronica in a pot or bucket.

The best planting time is spring. Then the plant survives the winter better.

How to care for shrub veronica in the garden

Shrub veronica is easy to care for. Don't let the soil dry out completely, but avoid waterlogging.

Fertilizing is usually not necessary outdoors. In the first year you should not give fertilizer. After that, it is sufficient to provide the plants with some compost from time to time.

Most shrub veronica species are not hardy

Even if it is often claimed: Almost all shrub veronica varieties are not hardy. They tolerate very light frosts down to a maximum of minus five degrees. If the cold lasts longer than a few days, the perennial will freeze to death. The winter wetness is also a problem for her.

If you've planted conditionally hardy shrub veronicas like Hebe addenda, you can try overwintering them with a good winter shelter.

Cover the ground around the plants with a dense mulch of leaves or grass clippings. Fir branches or brushwood are suitable for covering the Hebe.

Do not prune shrub veronica too much before winter, as this encourages frostbite. The following spring, you can simply trim frozen branches and prune the plant more into shape.


If you cultivate shrub veronica in a pot, make sure you use a well-drained substrate. You can easily make it yourself from potting soil, sand and coconut fiber. To be on the safe side, put drainage in the pot, as Hebe does not tolerate waterlogging.
