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Also under the name "Red Bamboo" you will find various types of bamboo with more or less red colored stalks in the trade. The more sun these plants get, the more intensively and brightly the initially mostly green stalks become coloured.

Red bamboo inspires with its red culms

The ideal location for red bamboo

The Himalayacalamus falconeri Damarapa is a relatively delicate bamboo. It prefers partial shade and doesn't tolerate the blazing sun well. This bamboo grows about two to five meters tall and only tolerates frost down to about - 5 °C. Its initially bluish culms later turn green to yellowish and get reddish stripes.

The Fargesi jiuzhaigou No.1 or Chinese Wonder sets accents in your garden with its bright red blades. It is also suitable as a container plant. Outdoors it grows about two and a half to three meters high. In autumn it loses part of its leaves. It tolerates frost down to about - 25 °C.

Give this bamboo a place that is as sunny as possible so that the stalks color more intensively. But it also gets along well with partial shade. This bamboo does not need a rhizome barrier, like no bamboo of the Fargesia species.

Plant the red bamboo in the bucket

If you want to plant the red bamboo in a bucket, then get a plant pot with a capacity of at least 60 liters. Drill a few small drainage holes in the bottom of the bucket if none are already in place. Line the planter with shards of pottery and put a layer of gravel on top, this is the drainage layer for water drainage.

Fill the planter about two-thirds full with humus-rich soil. Thoroughly water the root ball of your bamboo before placing it in the tub. Now fill the bucket with soil and water it well again. You should repot your bamboo every two to four years.

The essentials in brief:

  • Choose location according to variety, sunny to semi-shady
  • humic soil
  • water the root ball
  • Water the bamboo well
  • no rhizome barrier necessary


The rather sensitive Himalayan Calamus falconeri Damarapa is not well suited for beginners. They should rather choose the easy-care Fargesia.

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