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Not only snails can be a great evil. Frost can also teach autumn anemones to fear. But is that always the case or can autumn anemones also be hardy?

With some brushwood, the more sensitive roots of the autumn anemone can be protected from frost

Older specimens tolerate frost without any problems

Not all fall anemones are frost hardy. Only those specimens that are a few years old are rooted deep enough to withstand frost well. Even if temperatures drop to -20 °C, most older autumn anemones will still survive.

Which specimens are considered more sensitive to frost than others?

The following autumn anemones are more sensitive to frost:

  • freshly shared instances
  • recently transplanted specimens
  • newly sown specimens
  • those specimens that stand in rough locations
  • those specimens that have been planted in a bucket
  • all those who have only been at the site for one, two or three years

How and with what can you protect the perennial?

Autumn anemones do not need special winter protection. Like most other perennials, fir branches, fleece, leaves or compost are sufficient for them. You should place one of these materials on the root area of the frost-sensitive specimens.

In addition, it is advisable to tie the perennial together. A normal rope is enough for this. Tying it together protects the Herbstanemone from falling over, for example through a thick layer of snow. Be careful not to cut down the stems in the fall! They protect the plant from winter moisture.

Protect autumn anemones in the tub

If your autumn anemone is in the bucket, you should definitely protect it. To do this, wrap the bucket or pot with fleece or jute. Then place the container on an insulating surface, e.g. B. made of wood or styrofoam in a sheltered location such as under the eaves on the house wall.

Work after the winter: fertilize, cut and more

After the winter the following is on the agenda:

  • Remove winter protection
  • loosen the soil
  • dig up and share if necessary
  • if necessary, cut root cuttings
  • replant if necessary
  • cut down to 10 cm above the ground
  • supply with compost or other fertilizer


Autumn anemones are particularly sensitive to moisture in winter. Rot is often the result. Therefore, be careful that water can run off quickly!

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