- What should owners of this plant pay attention to when watering?
- Which fertilizers are suitable and at what intervals is fertilized?
- How do you overwinter this plant?
- Should the Strelitzia be pruned?
- When do you repot a Strelitzia?
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Bizarre blossoms - they make up the face of a Strelitzia. With them, this perennial stays in the memory and with its bright colors reminds of a vacation in exotic regions. How to properly care for this plant, read below…
The Strelitzia needs a lot of waterWhat should owners of this plant pay attention to when watering?
The large and often numerous leaves of the parrot flower evaporate a lot of water. Therefore, the soil dries out quickly. It is therefore important to water regularly and preferably with stagnant or low-lime water - if possible with rainwater. In addition, the water should be warm.
In the growth phase, which begins in May/June and lasts until September, more watering is required. Then water when you notice that the top layer of soil has dried! The root ball must never dry out! At the same time, you should make sure that there is no standing water! Excess water should be able to drain away freely. In winter, this plant is generally watered less.
Which fertilizers are suitable and at what intervals is fertilized?
Regular fertilizing of the Strelitzia is extremely important. However, it is important not to over-fertilize them, which can happen quickly. Over-fertilization leads to failure of the flower.
Keep the following aspects in mind when fertilizing this plant:
- every 14 days is sufficient
- fertilize sparingly
- do not fertilize at all in winter
- Use full fertilizer
- Add liquid fertilizer to the irrigation water
- Fertilizer sticks (€4.48) can be used as an alternative
How do you overwinter this plant?
In winter, the Strelitzia needs rest to gather strength for its flowers in spring. Therefore, from mid-September, place them in a bright but cool room. For example, conservatories and stairwells are suitable for wintering. Room temperatures between 10 and 14 °C are ideal. Overwintering quarters that are too warm can lead to the loss of flowers.
Should the Strelitzia be pruned?
You should never radically cut back the Strelitzia! If you are bothered by too many leaves, tear them out with a jerk so that no stump is left. You can also remove old flowers.
When do you repot a Strelitzia?
If the pot is rooted, the soil is used up, the roots look out of the drainage holes at the bottom or out of the soil at the top, then it's time to repot. Usually this is advisable every 3 years in spring after wintering. Be extremely careful when doing this! Otherwise you could injure the sensitive roots of this plant.
Check the parrot flower regularly! It is occasionally attacked by scale insects, especially in winter. They usually sit on the underside of the leaf.