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If Helenium is planted in spring or autumn, no random spot should be chosen. This perennial does not grow and bloom everywhere! But where does she feel safe?

The sun bride likes to be in the sunlight

Sunny above and humid below

The location should be in full sun. There the sun bride produces the most flowers. In addition, a position protected from wind and weather is recommended to avoid kinking. The sun bride does not grow and bloom in the shade. A compromise: light-flooded penumbra.

Not only the top at the location determines the well-being of the sun bride. The bottom is also important to keep the plant healthy and maintenance low. A good location requires soil that has the following properties:

  • permeable
  • rich in humus
  • nutritious
  • wet


Regardless of whether the sun bride is in a shady or sunny place: In this country, it proves to be very hardy.

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