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The accompanying fauna in the aquarium consists of beneficial insects and pests. It is not easy for the layman to distinguish these organisms from one another. Harmful aquatic life can be motile or sessile. They usually pose a threat to wildlife.

Planaria harm snails and shrimp


These flatworms or flatworms are predatory and are often found in aquariums. They are fast and capture nimble prey such as freshwater shrimp or water lice, which they inject with paralyzing substances and digestive juices. Flatworms pose a threat to snails and shrimp eggs.

Most species are brownish to white and can grow up to two centimeters long. The light-sensitive aquatic creatures prefer darker areas. They are easily confused with harmless discworms, which, unlike planarians, do not have eye and pharyngeal spots or a branched intestine.


Special planarian traps are filled with food containing protein and lowered into the water. After a day, remove the trap and discard the pests. The natural predators include tiger loaches, which are also suitable for smaller aquariums, or the predatory red-spotted goby. The four centimeter long organisms are group animals and feel at home in swarms of at least five animals. Shrimp are not good roommates because they serve as live food.

snail flukes

The drop-shaped and up to three centimeters long animals are colored milky white or greenish to brown-red, depending on the species. They have a comparatively hard surface and roll up into a hedgehog when threatened. Their mode of locomotion, which is reminiscent of a stretcher caterpillar, is typical. They suck off snails and feed on worms. Since the aquarium pests occur sporadically, they are easy to collect.


These freshwater polyps are significant pests in shrimp farming. They colonize exposed areas such as rocks and aquarium decorations to grab prey with their tentacles. Extensive hydra stocks mean stress for shrimp as they cannot find a place to settle. The creatures can be up to two centimeters long. Such exceptionally large specimens pose a threat to small fry.


If you pluck a hydra off the aquarium glass by hand, individual cells can remain and grow into a new organism. Instead, scrape off the critters with a sharp blade cleaner and vacuum them up with a hose.

dragonfly larvae

Native species are under nature protection and indicate a good quality of water. In the closed aquarium, 98 percent of all dragonfly species come from Asian regions that are introduced by aquatic plants. Consult an expert to positively identify the species. If they are not native specimens, they can be caught out of the water with a net.

Appearance and lifestyle:

  • typical are mouthparts, which are trained to tentacles
  • move with three pairs of legs
  • feed on juvenile fish and shrimp
  • lead a hidden way of life

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