- Choose between alternatives
- Propagate mother-of-pearl shrub with sticks
- Grow young plants from cuttings
- Root sinkers
When a large Kolkwitzia is covered with numerous flowers in spring, it is an impressive sight. No wonder the Chinese shrub is in such high demand. If a specimen is already there, new plants can be easily grown.

Choose between alternatives
Flowering plants produce seeds that are used for propagation. This type of propagation is also possible with the Kolkwitze, popularly known as the mother-of-pearl shrub, but it is tedious in a private garden and also not particularly promising. Offer better chances of success:
- sticks
- cuttings
- lowering
Propagate mother-of-pearl shrub with sticks
Sticks are leafless, woody shoots that are cut in winter. For propagation, they are then inserted about two-thirds deep into prepared pots with potting soil. Note the following points so that the rooting works.
- annual shoots are ideal
- cut in February on a frost-free day.
- each stick should be 15 to 20 cm long
- there should be several buds on it
- remove top leaf nodes for faster rooting
- Keep the pot warm but not too bright
- on a not sunny windowsill
- alternatively sheltered outdoors
- Keep substrate slightly moist
- Water outdoors only on frost-free days
- Plant out when above-ground shoots are visible
In order for the stick to take root, you have to put it in the right way around in the ground. To avoid confusion, you can mark the sticks accordingly when cutting by cutting the lower end at an angle and the upper end straight.
Grow young plants from cuttings
All Kolkwitze varieties that can be found in our latitudes can be propagated in June by semi-lignified cuttings 15 to 20 cm long. For example to create a long Kolkwitzie hedge.
- remove leaves from lower part
- as well as any flowers that may be present
- in the upper part there should be leaf nodes
- recognizable by thickening
- put half in the pot with potting soil
- warm but not too bright
- keep moderately moist
- put a transparent bag over it (air it occasionally!)
After just one month, the cutting will have developed well enough to be planted out. In the garden he can then at good
Care quickly develop into a meeting place for bees.
Root sinkers
With its long, downward-curving branches, the Kolkwitze is ideal for this propagation method. The mother plant should be healthy and strong. Start propagation in early summer, with a young, pliable branch, ideally located at the base of the shrub.
- pull the branch to the ground
- Mark the contact point with the ground
- Loosen the soil and dig a 10 cm deep trench
- Defoliate the branch, lightly score several times with a knife
- Pull the sinker down into the gutter and cover with soil
- However, lace must look out
- then weigh it down with stones
Now it's time to wait for above-ground growth as a signal that rooting has been successful. Then you can carefully dig up the young plant and transplant it to the desired location.