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Corncobs have to be golden yellow? None! In addition to the conventional yellow vegetable corn, there are numerous other, sometimes motley species. However, not all varieties are suitable for raw consumption, some are bred specifically for aromatic popcorn, others for the production of corn flour (polenta).

Delicious vegetable corn varieties for the garden

The best known and most popular sweetcorn variety is probably the Golden Bantam. This strain forms large cobs of firm, sweet kernels. In addition, Golden Bantam is very productive, especially if it is watered and fertilized diligently during the growth phase.

Colorful instead of golden yellow

However, if yellow corn is too boring for you, try growing colorful corn varieties that, like golden bantam, can be eaten as vegetable corn. These species mostly come from South America. An old and very popular variety is Bloody Butcher, which develops fiery red, very sweet grains. This corn is more of a sweet corn than a vegetable corn due to its sweetness. Another very old variety is the green Oaxacan Green, which can be eaten young as sweetcorn.

Especially for popcorn lovers

For popcorn you should use special types of popcorn such as For example, use strawberry corn or the classic Golden Butter. In contrast to vegetable corn, you should let popcorn corn ripen on the plant.

Optimal species for a balcony cultivation

For balcony cultivation, low-growing or small maize varieties should be preferred, otherwise things can quickly get tight. Suitable varieties are:

  • strawberry corn
  • various ornamental corn varieties (the plants usually only grow to a height of around 1.20 meters)
  • Black popcorn (e.g. Dakota Black, only grows about three feet tall)

Of course, sweet corn or vegetable corn plants of normal height can also thrive on the balcony. However, a deep tub or tub is then necessary, since corn is a deep-rooter. In addition, these species can grow up to three meters high.

Botanical Classification

It is estimated that there are currently 50,000 different types of corn in the world. These differ in growth height, in their requirements and above all in the size and shape of their cobs and the size, shape, arrangement and color of their grains. Not all varieties are suitable for human consumption. Eaten types of sweet or vegetable maize, grain maize, on the other hand, is used as animal feed. There is also hard, soft and tooth corn. Both boiled and toothed corn are also mostly used as animal feed, while soft corn is used to make cornmeal.

tips and tricks

Baby corn is not a special variety, just sweet or vegetable corn, the cobs of which are harvested when they are about 10 centimeters long. These flasks are particularly tender.

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