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Don't be fooled by the low maintenance aspects of pumpkin cultivation. Every single factor is of the highest relevance. How to care for the pumpkin species-appropriate.

When to water a pumpkin

Water pumpkin plants moderately but regularly. Drought always causes growth to stop. Pour immediately onto the root area. Wet foliage and damp flowers are always at risk of disease.

How to fertilize a pumpkin

A constant supply of nutrients is considered the mainstay in pumpkin care. Since chemical preparations are viewed critically in the hobby garden, organic fertilizers dominated. Well-ripened garden compost, which you apply every 14 days, is the undisputed leader. In addition, plant manure, guano, horse manure (€121.99) and horn shavings (€32.93) provide nitrogen, potassium and phosphorus.

Exceed or not? - You decide

If you let your pumpkin plants grow, the harvest will yield a variety of small fruits. That may well be what the gardener wants. The plant does not develop a large pumpkin, even with the potential to become a giant, without your help. In this case, leave only as many blooms as you want pumpkins. Skimp on all other female and male flowers.

  • Basically pinching out the first blossom forces the growth of the plant
  • in June from 3-5 leaves, shorten each tendril to 2 leaves
  • in July cut back all shoots so that the last fruit is supplied with two leaves

Are there any threatening diseases and pests?

The fungal infection powdery mildew is revealed visually by a white-grey spore layer on the leaves. How to fight the plant disease:

  • Remove affected foliage immediately
  • Discontinue application of nitrogen fertilizer
  • Spray repeatedly with a solution of 1 liter of water, 15 milliliters of soft soap (€44.90) and spirit
  • alternatively, dissolve a heaping tablespoon of soda in 4 liters of water and spray on regularly

Among the pests, it is - no wonder - the voracious slugs that prefer to head for pumpkin plants. How to protect the bed from defoliation:

  • Install traveling barriers from chips, sharp-edged chippings or coarse sand
  • surround the bed with a snail fence and place a beer trap
  • Scatter the coffee grounds, which are toxic to snails
  • untiringly picking up the frozen animals every morning with the snail tongs

tips and tricks

A pumpkin also suffers from the blazing summer sun. Instead of sunburn, cracks form on the shell. Since rotting spots form here and diseases can strike, treat the gem with sun protection. Covered with a damp cloth, the sun's rays can no longer damage the fruit.

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