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Chives can usually be cultivated in pots without any problems, provided they get enough light and air. The chive pot should at least stand on the windowsill, but an outdoor location is best - chives are not suitable for houseplants and then quickly wither.

Pot up the chives immediately

Most people come into possession of a chive by purchasing a herb pot. Many then make the mistake of leaving the plant in the much too small pot, where it gets too little light and air and finally suffocates. For this reason, you should repot purchased chives into a larger planter as soon as possible. This should definitely have holes on the bottom so that excess water can drain off. Although chives need a lot of water, they do not tolerate backwater. Loose and humus-rich universal soil is suitable as planting soil - chives are heavy feeders. Older plants are repotted once a year to every two years.

Sow chives in the pot

Of course, you can also grow chives from seeds yourself. However, make sure that chives are cold germs - the seeds should be sown in early spring directly in the pot, which then belongs on the balcony. If you keep the substrate evenly moist, the first green tips will appear within approx. 14 days.

The right care

Chives need a lot of water, pot chives in particular must not dry out under any circumstances. The first yellow leaves are often a sign that the plant is too dry. The substrate should be kept evenly moist but not wet. Waterlogging must be avoided at all costs. You should feed your chives with liquid vegetable or herb fertilizer about every four weeks - chives are heavy feeders, i. H. he needs a lot of nutrients. Cut the stalks about two centimeters above the ground, flowering stalks are no longer edible. Blossoms and buds can also be used in the kitchen for this. In winter, the chives can stay on the balcony, but the planter should be wrapped in fleece or something similar.

tips and tricks

If possible, always plant chives separately, i. H. alone in a pot. The plant needs a lot of space. If that's not possible, the herb harmonises very well with parsley or basil - these have similar needs.


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