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With its picturesque growth, which is drawn by the gently swaying fronds, the bracken is a feast for the eyes. But not all gardeners see it that way. For some gardeners, this plant is a nuisance. Then combat strategies have to serve…

When it comes to fighting bracken, biological agents are significantly more effective than chemical ones

Reason: bracken is poisonous!

The bracken is an extremely poisonous herb. In addition to other toxic substances, it is above all pteritanic acid that leads to poisoning in the body and even death.

Both consumption and inhalation of the spores can have serious consequences. This applies to humans and animals. This toxicity makes the bracken an unwelcome guest on the property, especially in households with children and animals.

Reason: bracken is spreading rapidly!

Bracken is known for spreading at lightning speed. He particularly likes to settle in pastures and meadows where cows, horses, sheep, goats and Co graze. In addition to its toxicity, it is its dominance that makes it unwelcome to gardeners.

In weakened locations it becomes king and elsewhere it easily crowds out other plants. With its shady fronds and fabrics that prevent other seeds from germinating, it knows how to assert itself. Its rhizome is also extremely long-lived.

Control Agent #1: Biological Measures

Mowing the fronds several times has proven its worth. They are mown for the first time in June and the second time at the end of July. After mowing, the remains are rolled down. After rolling, it is advisable to overseed the respective areas.

The following measures also help to combat bracken ferns:

  • Spread lime (does not tolerate lime)
  • Sprinkle salt on the cracks
  • Snap fronds regularly (weakens the rhizomes)
  • dig up plants
  • Pull out rhizomes
  • fertilize abundantly
  • let it dry up

Second-line control agents: chemical exterminators

You should wear gloves both when pulling out the plant and when using herbicides. Keep in mind that herbicides often don't work on bracken. The bracken is robust and willing to survive. If not in the first year, he will come back in the second year. Herbicides also poison other plants and living beings.

tips and tricks

Before using herbicides, you should find out whether the respective herbicide has any effect on bracken.

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