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Plant pests are not just annoying. They weaken the medlar and make it susceptible to other pathogens. Household remedies often help with aphid infestation, but weevils can also be combated with simple tricks. Special plant extracts strengthen the medlar.

Aphids don't stop at the medlar either


The plant pests, which are a few millimeters in size, sit in small colonies on the leaf surfaces of the medlar. They form several generations within a short time, which can be either wingless or wingless. The aphids do not need a reproductive partner to reproduce. They reproduce asexually and must be combated completely. With their suction proboscis, they pierce the leaf webs in which the plant sap runs. This serves as a source of food for them. A large part is excreted as honeydew, leaving a sticky film.

Collect the aphids from the leaves. If the infestation is severe, remove the pests with a jet of water. Success promises an aqueous solution of soap, rapeseed oil and water, which is sprayed directly onto the plant. Lacewings and ladybugs feed on aphids. With deadwood hedges and insect boxes you can create habitats for various beneficial insects.

vine weevil

The black beetle is flightless and nocturnal, as it is ideally camouflaged in the dark. This plant pest feeds on the leaf mass. Crescent-shaped eroded leaf edges are a typical sign of damage, which indicates an infestation. The beetles go in search of food from May to June. They lay their eggs on the ground so that the larvae can feed on the roots. This causes the leaves to dry up due to a lack of water.

In the evening, search the plant and soil and remove the beetles. Hedgehogs and shrews are natural enemies of the vine weevil, which you can encourage in your garden. Special HM nematodes, which are added to the irrigation water, help against the larvae.

Means for strengthening plants

Vigorous and healthy plants are rarely visited by pests. Strengthen your trees regularly with a decoction of plant extracts. Stinging nettle, field horsetail or tansy are suitable for production. Garlic also has a deterrent effect on aphids. When infested, spray the garlic broth directly onto the leaves.

This favors an infestation by pests:

  • an unsuitable location
  • wrong care measures
  • neighboring plants with pest infestation
  • monocultures

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