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The privet is valued for its rapid growth. Like almost all plant species, it sprout twice a year. This is also followed by the pruning, which must be done up to three times a year for privet. When does privet sprout?

The privet sprouts twice a year

Privet sprouts twice a year

The privet grows in size twice a year. The first budding is particularly strong, the second is much less pronounced.

For pruning, it is important to know when exactly the privet will sprout. It is cut once before the first budding and once after the second budding.

First shoot in spring

The first shoots begin in early spring. If you want to cut back the privet and rejuvenate it, you should use the time before it buds. Prune the shrub from February to March.

Then there is no risk of disturbing nesting birds.

In addition, do not cut off the inflorescences, which are very popular with bumblebees and butterflies. The berries in autumn are also an important food source for birds.

Second shoot from May

After the first sprouting, it takes a few weeks for the privet to gather enough strength for the next push. It begins at the end of May, but is significantly weaker than the spring shoots.

From now on you should not cut back the privet so much. The shrub itself doesn't mind that much, but it's forbidden almost everywhere because the breeding season of the birds has started.

The second shoot is finished at the end of June. From now on you can cut the privet back into shape.

Privet does not sprout

If the privet does not sprout, various causes can be responsible:

  • Location too dark
  • Substrate too dry / too moist
  • too much / too little nutrients in the soil
  • disease or pest infestation

Care mistakes or bad locations are usually responsible if the privet does not grow. Avoid waterlogging and ensure that the soil does not dry out too much. Better to fertilize less than too much.


Falling or discolored leaves indicate either a care error or an infestation by pests or fungi. If you ensure optimal conditions, then diseases cannot harm the robust shrub.

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