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Because privet grows so quickly, it is so popular as a hedge plant. You can almost watch how much growth the shrub increases each year. How fast does privet grow?

Privet grows very quickly

How fast does privet grow per year?

Depending on the variety, privet grows by up to 50 cm per year. In the wild, it can easily grow up to five meters in a short time. In the garden it is of course cut beforehand, if only to get a privet hedge as tight as possible.

If you want to create a hedge in the garden, you have to cut back the privet at least twice a year. Otherwise, the shrub only grows upwards and hardly forms any branches in the lower areas.

It therefore takes some time for the hedge to reach the desired height.

Twice sprouting a year

Privet sprouts twice a year. The first shoot is much stronger than the second. The first growth spurt occurs in spring, the second from the end of May.

When the privet doesn't grow

If the growth of the privet leaves something to be desired or if it does not grow at all, there can be various reasons for this:

  • bad location
  • Substrate not ideal
  • fungus
  • pest infestation

In the right location, privet grows faster

Privet doesn't like shade. It needs sufficient light for the formation of shoots and leaves. Therefore, plant it in a semi-shady or sunny position if possible.

It tolerates neither complete dryness nor waterlogging. Provide a permeable soil that stores enough water but is not too wet. If necessary, create drainage before planting.

Don't fertilize too much and too often. The privet does not get an oversupply of nutrients.

fungal infestation and pests

Diseases are rare and the privet can usually cope with them on its own. Only the vine weevil can become a danger if it occurs very frequently. Its larvae eat the roots, preventing the shrub from getting water and nutrients.


In most cases, privet is planted as a hedge in the garden. But it is also good as a single shrub or topiary. The shrub tolerates pruning so well that you can grow it as a bonsai.

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