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As the name suggests, bark mulch is made from crushed tree bark. manufactured. The material is often used for mulching under trees and shrubs, as it suppresses weed growth and also ensures better soil quality: According to scientific studies, bark mulch encourages the colonization of microorganisms, which in turn have a positive effect on the composition of the soil. Nevertheless, you should pay attention to a few things when mulching flower beds.

Mulch protects the flower bed from drying out

Fertilize thoroughly before mulching

Bark mulch removes nitrogen from the soil, which plants need for healthy and vigorous growth. For this reason, you should first fertilize vigorously before mulching, preferably with organic fertilizers such as compost mixed with horn shavings (€32.93). The nutrients it contains also ensure that the flowers can bloom profusely. Depending on their nutrient requirements, further fertilization may also be necessary, but this must be applied under the mulch layer. With a rake and a rake you can remove the mulch material and apply it again after fertilization.


Be careful with lime-loving flowers: These should not be mulched with bark mulch, as this lowers the pH value of the soil.

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