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Mountain palms are hardy houseplants that rarely get sick. Brown leaves are almost always a sign of improper care or a poor location. Why do mountain palm fronds turn brown?

Care mistakes are often behind brown leaves

Possible causes of brown leaves of mountain palm

  • Root ball too dry
  • Humidity too low
  • scorched fronds from sun
  • too cold location
  • Spider mite infestation

Mountain palms need a lot of water in summer and are watered more sparingly in winter. Spraying the leaves increases humidity.

The mountain palm tolerates temperatures below ten degrees only for a very short time. In winter, there should be at least 12 to 14 degrees at the location.


If the fronds of the mountain palm turn yellow, you should definitely check the plant for spider mites. An infestation is indicated by delicate webs on the leaf axils and undersides of the leaves. Increase humidity to control spider mites.

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