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The mountain palm (Chamaedorea), which originates from the rainforests of Mexico, is one of the easy-care palm species. It needs less light than other species and forgives small care mistakes. It even flowers quite quickly. You should only pay close attention to pests if you care for a mountain palm as a houseplant.

The mountain palm is a very frugal houseplant

Mountain palms do not tolerate direct sunlight very well

Although mountain palms get quite a lot of light in their homeland, they are never in direct sunlight. If you keep a mountain palm as a houseplant, look for a location where it gets direct sunlight at most in the morning or evening hours.

The mountain palm must not be too dark, as it will wither and develop brown leaves if there is too little light. The growth then seems rather stunted.

In summer you are welcome to put your mountain palm outside. Find a spot in partial shade and out of direct sun to avoid burning the fronds. If it gets colder than ten degrees, bring the houseplant back into the house.

Properly care for mountain palms as houseplants

  • Water a lot in summer
  • fertilize moderately
  • repot annually
  • keep cooler in winter

Mountain palms need quite a lot of water. Dip the root ball in a bucket of water every two weeks to soak the substrate. The mountain palm can even tolerate standing water on the roots for a short time. Feel free to spray the leaves with water more often to keep brown fronds from forming.

The mountain palm is fertilized once a month with normal liquid fertilizer. Reduce the quantity indicated on the packaging by half.

Mountain palms should be repotted every spring. A larger pot is only necessary if the roots are sticking out of the top of the container.

Overwinter a little cooler

During the growth phase from March to September, the mountain palm loves high temperatures. In winter you should keep them cooler. Ideal winter temperatures are between 12 and 14 degrees.

In winter, the mountain palm is poured more sparingly. Only give fresh water when the root ball has already dried out at the top.

Mountain palms are not hardy and can only tolerate temperatures below ten degrees for a short time.


Mountain palms can be propagated by seeds. However, the propagation of the non-toxic houseplant is lengthy and therefore only recommended for palm lovers with a lot of patience.

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